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International Gay Rodeo Association
Rodeo Production Guidebook


Opening ceremonies

Opening ceremonies (Parade & Grand Entry) can be sure crowd-pleasers and can stir the emotions of spectators and participants alike. Whether presented in the tradition of the old-west rodeos or as a dramatic spectacular of a unique design, this is the hosting association's chance to put their own creative talents at work. The IGRA bylaws and rodeo rules dictate the basic framework of the Parade and Grand Entry. Beyond meeting these requirements, the hosting association is encouraged to utilize the Opening ceremonies to entertain the public.

Opening Ceremonies will include, but are not limited to:

Opening ceremonies may also include a Grand Marshal(s), a Riderless Horse Ceremony, an Invocation, a moment of silence, or any other appropriate segment, or segments as deemed appropriate by the Hosting Association. Such segments may take place at any appropriate time during the opening ceremonies.

Though not a requirement, it is best if you assign an individual to be in charge of the rodeo "Foot Parade and Grand Entry". See the Exhibits in this handbook for the music and lyrics for "Oh Canada!", the Canadian National Anthem.


The parade could include, but is not limited to groups (as present) in any appropriate order:

Grand Entry:

Grand Entry must consist of, in the following order:

  1. Mounted entry of the U.S. and Canadian Flags with the Host nation's Flag entering first.
  2. Mounted entry of the Hosting State/Province Flags, followed by optional flags (such as, but not limited to, the Flags of other states and provinces, IGRA, and any commercial sponsors) in any appropriate order.
  3. Introductions of Rodeo Officials (including Clown and Stock Contractor)
  4. Hosting Association's National Anthem followed by other National Anthems as appropriate.
  5. Departure of all Flags, except that of the Host nations and the host State/Province; then the posting of the colors, with the Host Nation's Flag being the last to leave the arena.
In the case that any portion of the Rules covering the parade and Grand Entry is not followed, the Host Association will be fined if Trustees conclude that no effort whatsoever has been made to conform to this rule.
First posted May 16, 2015
Last update Dec 30, 2022